发布时间: 2024-09-14
浏览次数: 6 次

2024年9月11日,深圳市曼恩斯特科技股份有限公司举行了以“叠层突破 涂领未来”为主题的百兆瓦级叠层狭缝涂布系统出货仪式曼恩斯特相关领导及团队均到场参加,共同见证了这一重要时刻。




On September 11, 2024, Shenzhen Manst Technology Co., Ltd. held a grand ceremony under the theme of "Layering Breakthroughs, Coating the Future" to celebrate the delivery of its megawatt-class multilayer slot die coating system. The event was attended by Manst’s senior leadership and R&D team, who came together to witness this significant milestone.

Following the successful shipment of China's first GW-class slot-die coating flat-panel system independently developed by Manst at the end of last month, the company has made another breakthrough in the pan-semiconductor field in less than two weeks. The latest shipment, a 100 MW-class stacked slot-die coating system, is the first on the market capable of achieving automated crystalline silicon-perovskite tandem layer coating. This milestone marks a significant leap in Manst's comprehensive technical capabilities in the pan-semiconductor sector and is expected to accelerate the large-scale industrialization of crystalline silicon tandem cells.

As a National Specialized and New "Little Giant" Enterprise, Manst actively responds to President Xi Jinping's call to "develop new productive forces." The company will continue to increase investment in research and development, consistently overcoming technical barriers, and contributing to the high-quality growth of the industry.

由博闻创意会展主办的elexcon2025深圳国际电子展将于2025年8月26-28日在深圳会展中心(福田)举办。以 “AII for AI, AIl for GREEN:为AI与双碳提供全栈技术与供应链支持” 为主题。展会将集中展示 AI与算力芯片、存储、嵌入式AI、电源及能源电子、高性能电子元器件、Chiplet异构集成生态等前沿产品与技术及解决方案,全面覆盖人工智能、新能源汽车、工业自动化、轨道交通、物联网等热门领域,推动技术创新与产业发展。更多展会详情请登录www.bljsleep.com 展位、赞助商及演讲人申请请联系:0755-88311535
