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ELEXCON 2017 展商速递 | 瑞芯微
ELEXCON 2017 展商速递 | 瑞芯微
发布时间: 2017-05-24
浏览次数: 670


瑞芯微电子成立于2001年,总部福州,在上海、北京、深圳、杭州均有研发中心,是中国最具创新和务实的集成电路设计公司。为平板电脑、电视机顶盒、ARM 处理器PC、嵌入式行业应用、VR、机器人、无人机、影像处理、车载导航、IoT物联网和多媒体音视频等多个领域提供专业芯片解决方案。




About Rockchip

Founded in 2001, headquarter in Fuzhou, with R&D center in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen, Rockchip is China’s leading fabless semiconductor company and has been honored with China Chip Awards for 10 times.

Being a premium end-to-end SoC solution provider for Tablet, OTT-Box, ARM PC, Embedded industry application, VR, Robot, Drone, Image processing, In-vehicle devices, IoT and Multi-media audio&video products , Rockchip plays an important role in consumer electronic market and has been established good partnership with multinational companies like ARM, Google, Intel and Microsoft.

By combining of global vision and local support, Rockchip is committed to provide more competitive solutions to help our customers grow successfully today and in the future. 
