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ELEXCON 2017 展商速递 | 库迈思
ELEXCON 2017 展商速递 | 库迈思
发布时间: 2017-05-17
浏览次数: 602


       作为自动化电缆加工的开拓者与市场领导者, Komax Wire 为客户提供创新型解决方案,以满足未来各领域对精确端子连接的需求。Komax Wire 不仅为各行业生产制造不同程度的自动化机械设备,还提供客户定制化方案。另外,更有质量工具、测试系统和智能网络解决方案来完全实现安全高效生产。研发及生产均由此全球性瑞士公司在不同区域内完成。完善的销售及服务网络能够为全球 60 多个国家的客户提供现场标准化服务流程,以此确保调试完毕后,其投资的有效及可持续性价值。 Komax Wire (瑞士公司)是全球 Komax Group (库迈思集团)的一部分,拥有约 1,600 名员工。





As the pioneer and market leader in the field of automated wire processing, Komax Wire provides its customers with innovative and sustainable solutions for any situation that calls for precise contact connections. Komax Wire manufactures machinery and equipment for various industries, catering for every conceivable degree of automation and customization. Its range of quality tools, test systems and intelligent networking solutions complete the portfolio, and ensure safe and efficient production. The Swiss company, which has operations all over the world, develops and manufactures its products at various locations. Its extensive distribution and service network supports customers locally in more than 60 countries through standardized service processes, while ensuring the ongoing availability and value of these customers’  investments once the equipment has been put into operation.  The Swiss company Komax Wire is part of the international Komax Group, which employs approximately 1600 people.

