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ELEXCON 2017 展商速递 | 移柯通信
ELEXCON 2017 展商速递 | 移柯通信
发布时间: 2017-04-26
浏览次数: 617



移柯通信位于上海、成都、深圳的研发团队具有广泛的行业经验,主要研发人员拥有平均超过8年的开发经验,能提供除了模块产品外包括工业设计(ID)、结构设计(MD),硬件设计(HW)、软件设计(SW)等服务, 同时紧密配合全球代理商、技术支持工程师等保证了向客户提供全面、及时、近距离的技术支持服务, 确保客户产品的研发进度和上市时间。

移柯通信凭借一流的技术实力,已开发有完整的高性能模块产品系列,并广泛应用于车载、物流、安防、移动支付、医疗健康、智能手持设备以及智能穿戴等领域。公司模块产品的优势在于质量稳定,性能卓越,具有超小体积,超低功耗,并且易于集成的特点, 在满足市场不同需求的同时,公司始终追求和保证产品的超高稳定性和长期使用性。

移柯通信全资建立的生产工厂,地理位置优越,同时拥有ISO9001、ISO14001、TS16949质量体系认证;生产设备先进, 四条西门子高速SMT生产线及完善的质量管理和测试体系,从而确保公司为客户提供优秀的、具有竞争力的无线通信产品和专业服务,是客户最值得信赖的供应商。


Shanghai Mobiletek Communication Ltd., was founded in 2009 and is one of the leaders in Internet of Things (IoT). We offer wireless technology and solutions, including 2G/3G/4G  wireless modules , GPS/GNSS modules, NB-IoT modules, and wireless applications which are consistently integrated with our latest wireless technology for global customers.


Mobiletek maintains its successful strategy of enabling our customers with intelligent wireless technology and is a one-stop-shop, with testing, manufacturing and warehouse solutions including logistics and packaging, etc., so our customers can keep moving forward and accept the new challenges.


Mobiletek’s Headquarter is located in Shanghai and Mobiletek operates Chengdu R&D Center and Shenzhen manufacturing site for the company to provide excellent service, with help from our worldwide branches, partners and distributors, we are able to provide IoT solutions and services to customers worldwide.
